Introducing your Plan
Your retirement savings plan is designed to help you meet your long-term savings goals.
Retirement savings at a glance
Depending on the type of plan you have, your employer may have enrolled you as soon as you started working there. You may also have been ‘vested’ in the Plan immediately. ‘Vested’ means that you are entitled to the full value of your account if you leave the service of your employer. This includes the value of your employer’s contributions, any contributions you’ve made and any investment returns. With some Plans, your savings may vest immediately. With others, this may happen gradually, over time. Log in to view details in your plan-specific literature.
Yes, an account will be opened for you in your name. Any contributions made by you or your employer will be invested there. Your savings plan is yours for as long as you remain a member of the plan. Even if you change employers, the money invested on your behalf remains yours.
If your Plan has a default investment option, it will automatically invest your contributions in a particular fund or group of funds. However, you can change this and choose your own investment strategy by self-selecting investment funds from the range available.
The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest.
- Leave it to us
If your Plan has a default investment option, the Trustees will set out an investment strategy for you to make your retirement planning as easy as possible. The default option follows an automated approach, investing your savings into a range of funds over your working life. This option may suit you if you’re not comfortable making your own investment decisions or selecting your own funds.
Login to PlanViewer to find out more about your options. - Select your own investments
You can take a more ‘hands-on’ approach to investing by self-selecting. This option allows you to select the funds you invest in yourself. There are a range of funds made available by the Trustee and the Company. Remember, if you decide you want to self-select you will be responsible for allocating your savings and you should regularly review your Plan to make sure it remains suitable.
A key benefit of most plans is that the employer contributes. Whether this is the case and the amount of contribution will depend on the terms that you agreed with your employer.
Login to PlanViewer to view your plan-specific literature and find out more about your own employer’s contribution.
All contributions to your Plan are made through your employer. To see the current level of contributions, Login to PlanViewer.
Depending on the type of plans you have, you may be able to combine your investments by transferring savings from your other plans into this plan, if your other providers and local laws allow it. A transfer will also require the consent of the plan trustee. It’s important to note that a transfer could be subject to tax and/or impact the tax status of your account and may not always be in your best interest. We recommend that you first seek professional financial advice.
As the Plan is designed to help you save for retirement, you can only withdraw the full value of your savings when you retire or if you change your employer. However, in certain circumstances, you may be able to access your savings while you’re working.
Find more about accessing your money.
When you’re ready to retire, or choose to leave the plan, withdrawal is simple and easy. You are free to choose what to do with your savings. Until then, you can view, manage and amend your plan online.