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Sorting out your finances and planning ahead

At this stage in your life, you’ve probably got demands on your time and money coming at you left, right and centre. Competing day-to-day priorities – such as your career, family, and even running the kids around - can make it tricky to plan ahead and manage your finances.​

We found that many of you between the ages of 40 and 50 say you struggle to save and plan more than a few months ahead*. As retirement edges closer, check out our tips for getting your finances in order today.​

*Source: The Fidelity Financial Wellness Tool, 2024.

Managing your finances: 4 quick wins to try now

Your employer has enrolled you into our programme because they care about your financial wellbeing. And, as your retirement savings provider, we’ve got plenty of tools and guidance you can use to help you get your finances sorted. We’ve done the groundwork for you, so take advantage of our financial planning hacks.​

Our easy to use calculator shows how much you're on track to save for retirement. Simple sliders let you adjust measures like your planned retirement age or monthly contributions, to show you what difference they could make.

Make the most of what you’ve already got. You’re enrolled in a workplace retirement savings plan and your employer may make additional contributions to match yours. Check your account and get to know the rules that apply to you. Don’t leave free money on the table. You might be able to maximise your retirement savings very easily.

These are the most expensive types of debt for most of us. Even 0% deals can end up being costly if you’re not careful. They’ll eventually revert to a high standard rate at the end of the interest-free period - or sooner, if you miss a payment. Clear them, then close the accounts.

… or review your existing will. Knowing there are clear arrangements in place for your savings and possessions when you die can really help give you peace of mind.

Feeling behind on your retirement savings targets?

Try these 3 small steps


Review your investments

Find out more about the investment options available through your Plan.


Download the PlanViewer app

Conveniently stay on top of your retirement savings by putting them in the palm of your hand.


Bump up your contributions

Find out how you could boost your retirement savings pot if you get a bonus, or through employer matching.