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Nominate your beneficiaries

It’s never easy thinking about what might happen after you pass away but deciding what to do with your retirement savings is a small step you can take to gain control of the future. Nominating a beneficiary means the trustees of your Plan know how and to who you wish your benefits to be paid. It’ll give your loved ones one less thing to worry about at a difficult time.

It’s equally important these details are kept up to date, especially following milestone life events like getting married, divorced or having children.

Where to start

If your Plan rules allow this action to be done online, it’s a quick and easy thing to do through your PlanViewer account.


Log in to PlanViewer

To log in for the first time you’ll need your Fidelity Reference Number.


Go to ‘Manage my plan’

If logging in via the app, you’ll need to click on ‘Actions’.


Click ‘Manage beneficiaries’

You can choose up to 20 members of your family, friends, or charities.

If you can’t do it online, please reach out to your employer.

If you’ve moved home, got a new phone number, changed your email address or other personal details, it’s important to update us with your most up-to-date contact details. That way, we can make sure you don’t miss anything important.

The same goes for your beneficiaries. If you’ve changed your wishes for who will receive the money invested in your Plan, or if your beneficiary has simply moved house, it’s important to update their contact details. That way, we can get your retirement savings to the people you have chosen faster, if the worst should happen. It’s a good idea to check your beneficiaries every few years to make sure they still reflect your wishes and that all their details are still correct.

Did your know simple steps like keeping track of your savings and checking your details are up to date are vital? That’s why we’ve compiled a list of five small steps for you to take today which could make a big difference to your retirement savings tomorrow. Make sure you have covered the basics today.