Your retirement savings in the palm of your hand
Manage your workplace savings and check your progress
Instant access to your account summary and our online resources. More convenience, more flexibility and more support - all from the palm of your hand.
Monitor your money
See what you’ve got in your savings pot, and get a real-time summary of your rate of return and recent activity.
Stay in control
Make changes to your plan at the touch of a button, and view your past transaction history.
Stay informed
Get access to a range of handy planning tools and guides, and get in touch with us if you need to.
Available for iOS or Google Play
Get the PlanViewer app on your phone or tablet and unlock the ability to log in securely when it suits you most.
Market leading security
Fidelity have introduced two factor authentication in the account log-in process, both within the app and on our website.
Using Apple and Google’s biometric security developed specifically for iOS and Android, the PlanViewer app is able to provide facial recognition functionality. This means you can benefit from secure log-in that protects your data and ensures personal information is safe.